Enrico Meloni Event manager and specialist, producer, customer experience, trainers' roadie and assistant - ensuring all stakeholders have a great time and an impactful learning experience. 47 posts
Alessandra Granaudo Key Account Manager & Learning Experience Specialist Passionate about Learning, Digital and Communication 38 posts
Alberto Brandolini EventStorming Creator, author of Introducing EventStorming – An act of deliberate collective learning and Founder of Avanscoperta. 15 posts
Jacopo Romei Italian agile coach, developer, writer and singer. Author of the book Extreme Contracts on negotiation and contracts for knowledge work (soon in English) and EventStorming Facilitaror. 9 posts
Francesco Strazzullo Francesco is a web developer with a focus on Javascript and on the frontend and mobile apps development. 6 posts
Enrico Teotti Enrico is an agile coach and (visual) facilitator with a background in product management and software development starting in 2001. 6 posts
Matteo Baglini Software craftsman, technical coach, clean code addicted and co-founder of doubleloop.io 5 posts
Gojko Adzic Author of: Impact Mapping, Fifty Quick Ideas To Improve Your User Stories, Humans vs Computers. 3 posts
Gabriele Lana I proudly call myself "Software Craftsman". I began to love this profession as a child at the end of the '80s and this feelings never left me since then. 2 posts
Matteo Cavucci A specialist in creating outcome-based strategies and designing lightweight governance models, enabling team autonomy and collaborative decision making. 2 posts
Raffaele Boiano Experience designer, storyteller, photoethnographer. A mix of media fruition, freedom culture and social hyperinteraction. 2 posts
Dan North Dan North uses techniques from Lean operations, Theory of Constraints and Agile software development to help IT organisations anticipate and respond to the challenges of changing business needs. 2 posts
Marco Dussin Marco è un consulente strategico, formatore in ambito agile, e learning designer. Nel 2022 ha conseguito la Trainer Certification in Training from the BACK of the Room! 2 posts
Luca Sartoni Luca è un Leadership coach con 2 decenni di esperienza nella creazione di valore per l'industria del software. Ha costruito team ad alto impatto per risolvere problemi complessi. 2 posts
Jenny Martin Jenny is an independent trainer and facilitator in collaborative agile and product development techniques and behaviours of high-performing teams. 2 posts
Lorenzo Massacci Consulente, Facilitatore e Mentor per la gestione del lavoro di team e progetti software e per il miglioramento dei processi organizzativi. One post
Gaetano Mazzanti Agile and Lean Coach and Trainer with over 20 years of experience. Gaetano helps companies to change, transitioning to more effective organizations and processes. One post
Michael Feathers Author of the best seller "Working Effectively with Legacy Code". He is specialized in refactoring, agile and XP programming practices and Test-driven Development. One post
Jacopo Nardiello A DevOps Engineer with a strong focus on infrastructures automation, as well as the architecture and engineering of distributed systems based on containers and Kubernetes. One post
Alessandra Cianchettini Affianca aziende e team per aiutarli ad esprimere il loro potenziale ed evolvere il modo in cui lavorano. One post
Matteo Collina Software Architect at nearForm, author of the Node.js MQTT Broker, Mosca, the fast logger Pino and of the LevelGraph database and speaker at several international conferences. One post
Russ Miles Russ Miles is CEO at Russ Miles & Associates where he works with his clients to help deliver simple and valuable software and change. One post
Marco Heimeshoff Marco Heimeshoff is a trainer, speaker and software developer from Germany. One post
Stelio Verzera Stelio Verzera is passionately curious, fond of value creation and lean thinking. One post
Woody Zuill Woody Zuill is an independent Agile and Lean Guide and Coach and has been programming computers for 35+ years. One post
Teri Frith Teri Frith is a Certified Trainer for Sharon Bowman’s “Training from the BACK of the Room!” and has extensive experience in teaching to people of all levels and age. One post
Eva-Lotta Lamm Eva-Lotta Lamm is a Designer, Visual Thinking Expert, and Trainer. She is a sought after expert and teacher in the area of sketching, sketchnoting and visual thinking. One post
Mathias Brandewinder Mathias has been writing code professionally for the past 10 years or so, and enjoying most of it. He used to work mostly in C#, until he discovered F# and fell in love with it. One post
Claudio Perrone Claudio Perrone (aka Agile Sensei) is an internationally-recognized Lean & Agile management consultant, entrepreneur and startup strategist. One post
Simone Cicero Self-starter, strategist, product and service designer interested in co-design, design thinking and innovation. One post
Scott Wlaschin Scott Wlaschin is a developer, architect and author. He is the author of the popular F# website fsharpforfunandprofit.com, and the book Domain Modeling Made Functional, by Pragmatic Bookshelf. One post
Francesco Fullone Francesco is a business designer, a mentor and an investor in tech companies focused on sustainability or social impact. One post
Antonio Dell'Ava Antonio is a front-end developer who tirelessly tries out new technologies, seeking the best possible solutions. One post
Julie Camosseto Programme manager, executive and life coach. There is so much to gain by sharing mistakes made and lessons learned. One post
Uberto Barbini JVM and Kotlin independent consultant. Passionate about Code Quality and Functional Programming. Author, public speaker and OpenSource contributor. One post
Jurgen Appelo Entrepreneur, Author, and Top 100 Keynote Speaker on Agility, Leadership, and Innovation. Creator of the unFIX model. Manage the System, Lead the People! One post
Gabriele Petronella I flip bits in a functional fashion. Building awesome things in Scala and TypeScript at buildo. One post
João Rosa An independent consultant focused on supporting organisations in creating purposeful systems. As part of his consultancy practice, he helps organisations bridge their strategy to execution. One post
Trond Hjorteland An IT architect and open sociotechnical systems practitioner from the consulting firm Scienta.no with many years’ experience working with large, complex, and business critical systems in industries. One post
Marco Consolaro Software crafter, coach tecnico, speaker internazionale, systems thinker, filosofo, shakerato con humor veneziano. Co-autore di Agile Technical Practices Distilled e co-fondatore di Alcor Academy. One post
Alessandro Di Gioia Co-autore del libro Agile Technical Practices Distilled, co-fondatore di Alcor Academy, trainer, sviluppatore e consulente software. One post
Barry O'Reilly Barry is an Architect and researcher who has held Chief Architect positions at Microsoft. He is a PhD candidate in software design and complexity science and the inventor of Residuality Theory. One post
Hoang Huynh Hoang si occupa della progettazione e nell’esecuzione di strategie per imprese innovative e corporate startup. Specializzato nel Value to Market di prodotti e servizi innovativi. One post
Gianluca Padovani Gianluca è uno sviluppatore software, TDD-addicted e coach agile. Grande appassionato dei linguaggi funzionali, in particolare di Elixir/Erlang, e di Ruby, NodeJs e C++. CTO di Coders51. One post
Giulio Cesare Solaroli Giulio Cesare brings extensive experience in managing information systems across diverse sectors including banking, cruise tourism, insurance, telecommunications, publishing, research, and start-ups. One post
Chris Richardson Developer and architect, author of POJOs in Action and Microservices Patterns. Founder of the original CloudFoundry.com, an early Java PaaS for Amazon EC2. One post
Allan Kelly Allan aims to create business excellence with agility. He partners with businesses to enhance effectiveness and efficiency by leveraging agile approaches combined with OKRs. One post
Bjarte Bogsnes Bjarte Bogsnes has a long international career, both in Finance and HR. He is a pioneer in the Beyond Budgeting movement and helped numerous companies globally start on a Beyond Budgeting journey One post
Kenny Baas-Schwegler Kenny Baas-Schwegler believes in collaborative software design where ‘every voice shapes the software’. One post